Lerner & Rowe Law Group 602-667-7777

4 Tips To Steer Clear of a New Year’s Eve DUI

Start 2022 off with a bang…just don’t let that bang be the sound of a jail cell.

New Year’s Eve in Phoenix is a major drinking holiday, contributing to increased DUI arrests and alcohol-related car accidents every year. Nobody wants to add paying off DUI debt to their list of New Year’s resolutions—so here are four tips from our Phoenix DUI lawyers to help you steer clear of a New Year’s Eve DUI.

Tip 1: Know Your Limits

New Year's Eve DUI Phoenix

Many drinkers forget that buzzed driving IS drunk driving. You don’t even have to be over legal blood alcohol levels in Arizona (0.08%) to get charged with driving under the influence. Simply put, if you’re affected by alcohol, illicit drugs, or prescription medication and get behind the wheel, you could easily be arrested for DUI in Arizona.

If you do drink on New Year’s Eve, it’s crucial to know your own limits. Overindulgence can lead not only to poor decision-making, but also to medical emergencies like alcohol poisoning. Make sure you drink responsibly, and if possible, stick with a sober friend to make sure you don’t do anything you’ll regret.

For some people who are sensitive to alcohol or who tend to make bad decisions while under the influence, the limit should be zero. Alcohol consumption can increase aggression and risk-taking behaviors that can lead to injury to yourself or others. One study even found that roughly 40% of all people convicted of violent crimes such as assault were under the influence of alcohol at the time of the offense. If you know that you’re prone to making bad decisions while drinking, the safest thing to do is refrain from alcohol altogether this New Year’s Eve.

Tip 2: Arrange Alternate Transportation

The National Safety Council (NSC) reports that New Year’s Eve weekend has one of the highest percentages of alcohol-impaired deaths. During the 2019 New Year’s holiday period, the NSC reported that 36% of fatalities involved an alcohol-impaired driver. 

Revelers can help reduce the number of fatal drunk driving accidents this holiday by arranging alternate transportation if they decide to imbibe. There are many options in and around Phoenix, including Lyft, Uber, taxis, and public transportation through Valley Metro. Or, choose a designated driver ahead of time to make sure everyone gets home safely.

Tip 3: Have a Backup Plan

If you’re spending the holiday at a friend or family member’s house and get more intoxicated than you intended, have a backup plan. Most hosts would rather have a house full of overnight party guests than have an inebriated friend endanger themselves and others by driving home drunk. It’s much better to start 2022 passed out on a friend’s couch than in a jail cell after being arrested for a DUI on New Year’s Eve.

It may not always be possible to stay overnight, so give yourself options and make sure you have a place to go. Consider booking a night at a nearby hotel room, or call up a trusted family member or friend. 

Tip 4: When In Doubt, Wait It Out

Everyone thinks they know their limits, but being impaired to the slightest degree is all it takes to get arrested for an alcohol or drug DUI.This slight impairment can happen with just one drink (or even some prescribed medications). This is especially true when you factor in your size, weight, and how much alcohol you’re consuming in each beverage. 

Police officers look for impairment through observations like the odor of alcohol, bloodshot or watery eyes, slurred speech, swaying, or field sobriety tests (which can be inaccurate). This means that a prosecutor does not need breathalyzer or blood results to bring a DUI charge against you. For this reason, it is best not to consent to field sobriety tests.

Note: refusing a blood, breathalyzer, or urine test will result in a suspension of your driver’s license for at least 12 months. This is due to Arizona’s implied consent law, meaning that you automatically agree to having a BAC test for DUI driving as a condition for receiving a driver’s license. If you do refuse such tests, you’ll need a Phoenix criminal defense attorney to help successfully challenge the suspension.

The best way to avoid this situation altogether is to wait it out. If you’ve had something to drink recently and you’re not sure if you’re good to drive, there’s a good chance you have no business behind the wheel of a vehicle. The same goes for recreational marijuana use,  medications that may affect your judgment (even if they are prescribed), illicit drugs, or even just feeling drowsy. All of these can impact your ability to drive safely.

Charged With a New Year’s Eve DUI in Phoenix?

If you find yourself arrested for a New Year’s Eve DUI, contact Lerner and Rowe Law Group. If you find yourself arrested for a New Year’s Eve DUI, contact Lerner and Rowe Law Group. Our experienced attorneys offer free consultations and affordable payment plans. Get in touch today for professional legal assistance. Call us at 602-667-7777, reach us online via our LiveChat feature, or request your free case review by filling out this online form

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