Lerner & Rowe Law Group 602-667-7777

Glendale DUI Lawyer

Glendale DUI Lawyer

Just because you have been arrested for a DUI in Glendale doesn’t necessarily mean you are guilty. In fact, it’s in your best interest to obtain the award-winning representation of a Glendale DUI lawyer.  A knowledgeable lawyer may be able to get your charges reduced, or even dismissed in a court of law.

The DUI defense lawyers at Lerner and Rowe Law Group have over 70 years of combined experience in helping fight DUI charges. If you have been convicted of a DUI in Maricopa County, reach out to our team by calling 602-667-7777, filling out our FREE online form, or connecting through LiveChat. We’re available 24/7, and you will receive a free case evaluation and consultation.

Kinds of DUI Arrests

In 2018, there were over one million traffic stops in the state of Arizona, and over 27,000 DUI arrests. There are a few different categories of DUI arrests, and at our Glendale firm, we handle many of them. 

  • If a driver had a blood alcohol content (BAC) level between 0.08% and 0.15%, this DUI arrest is known as a standard first offense DUI
  • A second offense DUI occurs when the same BAC levels are reached a second time, and may result in heightened penalties.
  • A DUI is considered extreme DUI when BAC is higher than 0.15%.
  • Super extreme DUI takes it one step further, with those drivers demonstrating a BAC above 0.20%
  • We also handle defense cases of aggravated DUI, a felony charge. A DUI turns from misdemeanor to felony if certain criteria are met, such as driving on a suspended license, or if a child under 15 years old was also in the vehicle. Likewise, a DUI may be considered aggravated if this is the third DUI charge within seven years, or if the driver was already legally obligated to install an ignition interlock device in their vehicle.
  • Finally, we also handle cases of marijuana or other drug DUIs. As these cases may imply the possibility of further charges, it’s of utmost importance to consult Glendale DUI defense lawyers from Lerner and Rowe Law Group.

When you hire our criminal defense team, you’ll receive premier legal counsel that won’t shy away from more complex DUI cases. 

Just don’t ignore your DUI charges, attempt to defend yourself in a court of law, or accept a court-appointed attorney. Instead, take advantage of our affordable team’s ability to aggressively stand up for your rights. 

What Happens When You’re Arrested for DUI in Glendale

When you’re arrested for DUI in Glendale, the charges may have a very negative affect on your life. For instance, you may be ordered to have an ignition interlock device installed in your vehicle. This may be there for many years, limiting your freedom and leaving you without a car at times. 

Depending on the circumstances surrounding your case, you may also need to serve jail time, do many hours of community service, or find a way to pay large fines. It’s also not uncommon to see license suspensions and insurance rate increases. 

Finally, you may have to attend numerous court sessions, and run the risk of losing your job due to missed time or excessive time off.

Important Glendale City Courtroom Information

In order to minimize your missed time from work, and to further assist you in presenting a strong defense case for your DUI, here are some resources for Glendale courts. 

The Glendale, Arizona court is located at 5711 West Glendale Avenue,  just off of Grand Avenue and a few blocks from Murphy Park. The two locations of Maricopa County Superior Court are as follows: 

When making a court appearance, make sure to turn off your smartphone. Wear appropriate clothing, similar to business casual. Also, if possible, find a babysitter during your court date, and avoid bringing small children along with you. Finally, follow the advice of your Glendale DUI lawyer as the case unfolds. 

How a Glendale DUI Lawyer Can Help

The Glendale, Arizona DUI lawyers  at Lerner and Rowe Law Group will fight to reduce or drop your criminal charges. We are a separate firm from Lerner and Rowe Personal Injury Attorneys, and we specialize in DUI criminal defense. You won’t have to worry about the cost of an attorney, either. We offer affordable criminal defense, with flexible payment plans available. 

So, call 602-667-7777, and get in touch with our Glendale criminal defense law firm today.