Tips to Avoid a Cinco de Mayo DUI

Lerner & Rowe Law Group
Cinco de Mayo DUI

Cinco de Mayo is a holiday often associated with fun and parties–and alcohol. Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious problem during Cinco de Mayo celebrations in Arizona. The Phoenix DUI attorneys at Lerner and Rowe Law Group offer tips on what to do if you are pulled over for a Cinco de Mayo DUI, plus ways to prevent a Cinco de Mayo DUI from happening in the first place.

6 Tips to Avoid a Cinco de Mayo DUI

The best tip to avoid a Phoenix DUI? Don’t drive under the influence. If you know you’ll be drinking on Cinco de Mayo, planning ahead can save you from facing serious criminal charges. Sometimes, this is easier said than done and you might still find yourself behind bars after too many tequila shots. To avoid an alcohol or marijuana DUI during Cinco de Mayo, here are some tips to keep in mind:

1. Plan ahead

Before you head out, make a plan for how you’ll get home safely. Arrange for a designated driver, use a rideshare service, or plan to stay overnight with a friend or at a hotel.

2. Pace yourself

If you choose to drink, do so slowly and alternate with non-alcoholic beverages. 

3. Make sure to eat

Drinking on an empty stomach can quickly lead to intoxication. Eat a full meal before or while you’re drinking to help slow the absorption of alcohol into your bloodstream.

4. Avoid peer pressure

Don’t let your friends or others pressure you into drinking more than you’re comfortable with or getting behind the wheel while under the influence.

5. Stay sober

If you are the designated driver, commit to staying sober for the entire evening. Doing so will help ensure everyone’s safety. 

6. Stay home and party with friends

By staying home, you can simply relax and have fun without worrying about whether or not you’re breaking the law or putting others in danger. 

What Happens If I’m Pulled Over for a DUI? 

If you’re stopped for a DUI on Cinco de Mayo and are found to be driving while intoxicated, it’s important to understand that you may face severe legal consequences based on the specific circumstances of your case. Even if this is only your first offense, you could face a range of penalties, including:

  • Up to 6 months in jail (with a minimum of 10 days)
  • Suspension of your driver’s license for 90 days
  • Court fees and fines that may exceed $2,000
  • Mandatory alcohol screening
  • Participation in drug or alcohol classes
  • Installation of an ignition interlock device for up to one year
  • A requirement to have an SR-22 insurance policy

If you are pulled over for a DUI on Cinco de Mayo, it is important to know your rights and follow certain guidelines to protect yourself. In addition to the steps mentioned above, there are several other critical actions that you should take to ensure the best possible outcome after being stopped for a DUI. These include:

  • Refusing a field sobriety test: You have the right to refuse to perform field sobriety tests, such as walking in a straight line or standing on one foot. These tests are not always accurate and can be used as evidence against you.
  • Refusing a breathalyzer test: In Arizona, you can refuse to take a roadside breathalyzer test without facing additional penalties. However, if you are arrested, you will be required to take a chemical test at the police station or hospital. You are not required by law to participate in these tests, despite any implications made by the officer.
  • Contacting an attorney: If you’re arrested for a DUI, contact an experienced Arizona DUI attorney as soon as possible. A lawyer will help you build the best possible DUI defense and can possibly have your DUI charges reduced or even dismissed, depending on the circumstances.

Arrested for a Cinco de Mayo DUI? Contact a Phoenix DUI Lawyer Today

If you’re charged with a DUI during this year’s Cinco de Mayo celebrations, it’s important to contact an experienced Phoenix DUI lawyer from Lerner and Rowe Law Group as soon as possible. Call us at 602-667-7777. Our DUI lawyers are prepared to take on your case and give you the aggressive DUI defense you deserve.

We are available 24/7 to take your call or chat with you online via our convenient LiveChat service. We also offer free consultations and affordable payment plans.

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