Special high school events like prom night often include after parties where alcohol may be available. Many adolescents, facing peer pressure, may see drinking on prom night as a rite of passage. As their parent, you are their first line of defense. Not talking to your child about the dangers of underage drinking could require a Phoenix juvenile defense lawyer to assist with legal consequences.
Teen Drinking Stats
The Centers for Disease Control reports that alcohol is the most commonly used and abused drug among America’s youth with more than 4,300 deaths of underage youths linked to excessive drinking each year. Drinking alcohol prior to age 21 is illegal in all 50 states. But individuals between 12 and 20 years old consume 11% of alcohol in the U.S. And, more than 90% of this alcohol involves consumption through binge drinking.
Approximately 189,000 individuals under 21 visited emergency rooms in 2010 for injuries or other conditions due to alcohol. Fuerthermore, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration states that almost 20% of teen drivers involved in fatal crashes in 2016 were drinking. If you feel these numbers do not represent Arizona’s youth, a study of high school students who drank ranked Arizona high school students second in the nation. An astonishing 43.8% of Arizona’s students reported drinking alcohol, while 26.5% of these reported binge drinking.
Underage DUI Consequences
Arizona is a zero-tolerance state and one of the strictest when it comes to underage DUI. Drivers under 21 stopped for suspicion of driving under the influence with any blood alcohol level above 0.00% can receive a citation for DUI. This means any amount of alcohol can lead to serious legal consequences. Minors can be charged with a Class 1 Misdemeanor and as a result may face numerous penalties like:
- Six months in a juvenile detention facility
- Up to $2,500 in fines/court costs
- Up to two-years driver’s license suspension
- Installation of a vehicle ignition interlock device
- Mandatory alcohol treatment program
- Mandatory driver’s education courses
- Community service
- Probation
- Other Penalties Deemed Appropriate by the Court
Furthermore, as their parent or guardian, you may face financial liability damages for any injuries and losses your minor child may cause while intoxicated. Your child may also lose academic and/or athletic eligibility, scholarship awards, and college acceptance. An experienced, Phoenix DUI lawyer can protect your teen’s rights when they face DUI charges.
Talk to Your Kids
It is vital you talk with your teen(s) about the pressure they may feel to engage in underage drinking. Remind them that underage drinking is illegal, and a DUI can have serious, sometimes deadly, consequences. Go over drunk driving facts to ensure they are aware of how dangerous the situation could be. Explain your concerns for their safety and address personal consequences, such as taking risks you would not normally take, putting yourself in dangerous situations, date rape, and possible death from binge drinking.
Remind them to never drive while intoxicated or ride with someone who has been drinking, no matter who it is. Make a deal that allows them to call home for a ride, regardless of time or location, all without fear of receiving a lecture once picked up. Alternately, have them save numbers for taxi and/or rideshare services and/or have them download NHTSA’s SaferRide mobile app. Also, brainstorm with them about ways to handle peer pressure to help them establish reasons why they won’t drink, before the situation arises.
Get a Free Consultation with Our Phoenix Juvenile Defense Lawyer
A free consultation with a Phoenix juvenile defense lawyer or DUI attorney is available from Lerner and Rowe Law Group. We have the skills to defend your child against underage DUI charges. We are knowledgeable about Arizona juvenile laws and offer affordable payment plans. You can reach us 24/7 at 602-667-7777 or visit our office from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday – Friday.