If you’re deep in debt, you may be contemplating filing for bankruptcy to fix your financial dilemma. Bankruptcy may seem like an extreme measure, but it can actually be a powerful financial tool. That is where our experienced Phoenix bankruptcy lawyers come in. They will walk you through the steps of a bankruptcy so that […]
2018 Photo Radar Changes
Beginning August 3, 2018, Law Enforcement Must Review Photo Radar Evidence Before a Issuing Citations Recently, the Arizona legislature amended Arizona Revised Statute § 28-1602, Arizona’s photo enforcement statute, to require law enforcement to review evidence from photo-radar cameras before a ticket can be issued. Additionally, the bill makes it a crime for photo-enforcement companies […]
The DUI Arrest
Say you’ve had a couple beers with dinner out in Old Town Scottsdale with friends. Shortly after calling it a night, you get into your car and begin the drive home. Soon after you see the flashing red and blue lights in your rear view mirror. You don’t know the specific reason the police want […]
Arizona Ranked #1 for Toughest DUI Laws in the Country
by Sean Forrester, ESQ | Criminal Defense Attorneys Toughest DUI Laws Last month, Wallethub.com posted the results of its survey comparing the drunk driving laws of all 50 states and the District of Colombia. The study found that Arizona ranked number one for having the harshest DUI laws in the country. The methodology used in […]