College Life: Underage Drinking & MIP Citations in Arizona

Lerner & Rowe Law Group
Avoid MIP Citations in Arizona

Contact us so we can answer any questions about MIP Citations in Arizona.

College students see a variety of social temptations throughout their scholastic career. To drink or not to drink is a big one for underage classmen. Depending on which decisions they make, they can face severe consequences if caught. This is especially true for Arizona college students.

Why? Because in Arizona there is a zero-tolerance law that targets underage drinking. The law also applies to driving under the influence. Our Phoenix criminal defense attorneys put together the following Q&A regarding underage drinking and MIP citations in Arizona.

What Charges can you Receive?

Underage drinking.

You do not need to be inebriated or drunk to be charged with underage drinking. If under 21 and get caught drinking you can be charged with an MIP citation in Arizona.

MIP (Minor in possession).

Even if you’re not drinking, you can be charged with holding a bottle of alcohol or otherwise “being in possession” of it. If you’re under 21, you can’t even be in possession of alcohol.

Underage DUI.

Arizona has a zero-tolerance alcohol policy for underage drivers. If you’re under 21 and your blood alcohol level is anything above zero you can be charged with a DUI. Adults over the age of 21 must have a blood alcohol level of .08 for DUI charges.

How Might You End up With MIP Citations in Arizona?

“Everyone else is doing it.”

You accept an alcoholic beverage at a social event because “everyone is drinking.”

Then the police show up and you have a drink in hand.

You’re in a bar.

You are illegally gain entrance to a bar with a fake ID. Then you order or hold an alcoholic beverage and the police catch you.

You “are in possession of” alcohol – even if you’re not drinking it.

You’re at a social event and an older friend asks you to grab them a beer or you are just holding an unopened bottle of alcohol. Then the police show up and you get charged with “being a minor in possession” (MIP) of alcohol.

Why Should You Take an Underage Drinking or MIP Citation Seriously?

Even if you are a first-time offender, one underage drinking or MIP citation can affect you permanently.

Under Arizona Underage Drinking Laws, you can potentially face:

  • having a permanent criminal record
  • fines
  • loss of driver’s license (if charged with underage DUI)
  • probation
  • community service
  • mandatory attendance at alcohol education, addiction programs
  • jail time, especially if you’re a danger to yourself or others

Don’t face underage drinking or MIP charges alone.

If you are arrested for underage drinking or receive an MIP citation, contact a juvenile criminal defense attorney at Lerner and Rowe Law Group. Our legal team won’t judge you. We understand that certain decisions can have legal consequences.

We’re here to help with MIP Citations in Arizona and protecting your rights through the process. Call 602-667-7777 and ask for a free consultation and case review with our experienced criminal defense attorneys. Affordable payment plans are also available.