Tips to Avoid a Cinco de Mayo DUI

Lerner & Rowe Law Group

Cinco de Mayo is a holiday often associated with fun and parties–and alcohol. Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious problem during Cinco de Mayo celebrations in Arizona. The Phoenix DUI attorneys at Lerner and Rowe Law Group offer tips on what to do if you are pulled over for a Cinco de Mayo […]

Overcome the Fear of Filing for Bankruptcy

Lerner & Rowe Law Group

If you’re deep in debt, you may be contemplating filing for bankruptcy to fix your financial dilemma. Bankruptcy may seem like an extreme measure, but it can actually be a powerful financial tool. That is where our experienced Phoenix bankruptcy lawyers come in. They will walk you through the steps of a bankruptcy so that […]

Arizona Underage Drinking Laws

Lerner & Rowe Law Group

Despite laws in all 50 states against underage drinking, it still remains a serious problem across the country. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that “people aged 12 to 20 years drink 11% of all alcohol consumed in the U.S.” This might surprise many parents. Strict Arizona underage drinking laws attempt […]

The Ins and Outs of DUIs in Arizona

Lerner & Rowe Law Group

Español Because alcohol is a depressant, consuming alcoholic beverages slows down your central nervous system, which delays your brain functions. This affects your ability to process information and slows your hand-eye coordination. Which puts you at a much higher risk of having an automobile accident. The more alcohol you consume, the more likely you’ll become impaired, […]

What to Do If Arrested in Scottsdale for a DUI

Lerner & Rowe Law Group

If you’ve been arrested for a DUI in Scottsdale, it’s important you contact a Scottsdale DUI attorney to discuss your options. A DUI conviction comes with mandatory jail time, fees, and can result in a suspension of your driver’s license. Our Scottsdale DUI lawyers have the skill, knowledge and experience to help you get the […]

Useful Things You Should Know if Accused of Domestic Violence

Lerner & Rowe Law Group Domestic Violence Laws Arizona

Español Accusations of domestic violence can result in criminal charges and civil implications. An arrest for suspected domestic violence does not always mean you will receive a conviction. If someone is accusing you of domestic violence, remain silent and contact an experienced domestic violence lawyer immediately. Definition of Domestic Violence Domestic violence laws are broad […]

Things You Do and Don’t Want to Do on Probation

Lerner & Rowe Law Group

When you are accused of a crime in Arizona, the court may impose probation in lieu of jail time. This alternative punishment has specific court-ordered rules you must follow. These are the conditions of your probation, which are specific to each criminal case. Therefore, not abiding by these conditions constitutes a probation violation, which could […]

How a Scottsdale DUI Lawyer Gets Charges Dismissed

Lerner & Rowe Law Group

DUI Charge Dismissal Nobody wants to face the harsh penalties of a DUI conviction. However, getting a DUI charge in Scottsdale dismissed or reduced can be difficult. The best hope for a dismissal is to hire an experienced DUI lawyer to review your case for legal and factual issues that may support getting the charges […]

Domestic Violence and Disorderly Conduct Laws in Arizona

Lerner & Rowe Law Group

Often when people think of domestic violence (DV) very specific notions of crime come to mind. However, domestic violence is not a distinct crime in Arizona, meaning it’s not an enumerated (specifically mentioned) crime in Arizona’s penal code. Rather, Arizona’s domestic violence statute defines a domestic violence offense by the nature of the relationship between […]

Neighbor’s Lights Keeping You Up? Don’t Take Matters into Your Own Hands!

Lerner & Rowe Law Group

Español The most wonderful time of the year arrived. First, you got out your snowman figurines and set them in the window. Then, you lit the Christmas tree lights. Perhaps you set some electric candles in your windows to really have a cozy space. You look forward to a truly silent night. Consequently, your neighbor […]