Tolleson Domestic Violence Lawyer

A Tolleson domestic violence lawyer can provide crucial support in your sensitive case, helping you in many ways—from handling communications with the prosecution to answering all of your questions. Having a dedicated Tolleson domestic violence attorney is essential, as so much is at stake. Domestic violence charges can lead to losing custody of your children, damage to your reputation, and strained relationships with friends and family.

At Lerner and Rowe Law Group, our Tolleson criminal defense attorneys give each case the personal attention it deserves, unlike overworked public defenders. We will communicate with the prosecution on your behalf and aggressively defend your rights every step of the way.

Call us today at 602-667-7777 to schedule a free case evaluation. During this meeting, we’ll listen to your story, answer your questions, and begin building a strong defense to fight these charges.

Free Case Evaluation

Do I Really Need a Tolleson Domestic Violence Defense Attorney?

Yes, you absolutely need a Tolleson domestic violence defense attorney with the knowledge and resources to advocate for you. Without proper legal representation, the prosecution can more easily escalate the allegations into more serious charges. Your future is at stake, and having an experienced Tolleson attorney can make all the difference in defending your rights and protecting your future.

Types of Charges Handled by a Tolleson Domestic Violence Lawyer

In Tolleson, AZ, our attorneys handle the defense of cases involving:

  • Sexual abuse
  • Stalking
  • Neglect
  • Isolation abuse
  • Hurt children
  • Mental abuse
  • Murder
  • Kidnapping 
  • Assault and battery
  • Birth control sabotage
  • Physical abuse
  • Emotional abuse
  • Verbal abuse
Tolleson Domestic Violence Lawyer

If your domestic violence charges are based solely on hearsay evidence, your attorney will know how to rigorously challenge these claims and work diligently to establish your innocence. It is imperative to have a resolute legal advocate who will employ factual evidence and strategic defense tactics to present your side of the story persuasively.

Accused of a Domestic Violence Crime in Tolleson? 

If you’ve been accused of a domestic violence crime in Tolleson, Arizona, you could face probation, fines, surcharges, and completion of a required domestic violence counseling program. You could go to jail for six months, or even be deported if you’re in Arizona as an undocumented immigrant. 

These penalties are possible even if the charges are not at the felony level. If you are facing a felony, you may have to go to prison for years. You could lose basic rights, like the right to vote, serve on a jury, or the right to bear arms. Other felony penalties include:

  • Paying of restitution for any damages
  • Completion of a six-month mandatory domestic violence program
  • Completion of court-ordered drug treatment programs
  • Completion of court-ordered alcohol treatment programs
  • Fines up to $150,000
  • Probation
  • The loss of your civil rights including to hold public office of trust or profit

Don’t risk undergoing these potential punitions without first seeking the help of a lawyer. At Lerner and Rowe Law Group, we will do what we can to reduce your charges if possible, which will in turn lower the severity of your penalties.

Local Crime Rates in Tolleson, Arizona 

As of August 2024, an online neighborhood profiling and forum company gave Tolleson a C+ rating for annual violent crime rates per 100,000 households to include:

  • 748.2 assault charges
  • 13.6 murder charges
  • 122.4 rape charges 

This data provides a benchmark for how many potential charges can end up on the desk of an overworked public defender. Should you find yourself accused or officially charged with any of these crimes, you can’t afford to place your future in the hands of someone who may not offer 100% attention to defending your individual rights. 

A Tolleson criminal defense attorney from Lerner and Rowe Law Group will be able to give you one-on-one attention and help ensure that you receive timely representation well within the statute of limitations

Why Choose a Tolleson Domestic Violence Lawyer from Lerner and Rowe Law Group?

Without an experienced Tolleson domestic violence attorney, you risk facing penalties that could have been avoided. Attempting to represent yourself can add unnecessary stress when you should be focusing on supporting yourself and managing your other responsibilities. Instead, turn to the skilled attorneys at Lerner and Rowe Law Group.

We have helped thousands of individuals achieve the best possible outcomes for their criminal cases. Our award-winning Tolleson defense lawyers have earned hundreds of five-star reviews. Plus, we offer affordable payment plans to ease the financial burden. Contact Lerner and Rowe Law Group today to schedule a free case evaluation and consultation.

Connect with a Tolleson Domestic Violence Lawyer as Soon as You Need Help

It’s very hard to represent yourself in a courtroom bent on making you pay for alleged crimes. The pressure only mounts when you face domestic violence charges. But don’t worry–with the help of Lerner and Rowe Law Group, you won’t have to face this on your own. Instead, call 602-667-7777, fill out this FREE online form, or use LiveChat to connect with a live representative and schedule your free consultation.